Nestled along the wall, an antique leather wallet begged to be noticed and opened. What on earth could be inside?
Excitedly, I shined my flashlight on it and began to open it up.
Safely inside were an array of antique Catholic devotional items!
Since moving into the house back in the Summer of 2009, I have found an array of beautiful antique Catholic religious items, including statues, relics, rosaries, medals, crucifixes, and prayer books. Most I discovered immediately upon moving in. The garage had some beautiful statuary in it (as well as boxes of religious items, most of which I gave away), and the Prayer Room closet had a beautiful necklace pendant of Our Lady in it.
But this little find is particularly special to me because it appeared so late! Look at how it has some blessed Agnus Dei wax! And an antique Passion Scapular! And, in the upper right hand corner (although hard to see in this photograph) is a vintage Miraculous Medal.
I could not have been more happier with my little discovered treasure. Thank you, Jesus, for this unexpected gift!