Michael's been wanting us to get iPhones on a family plan for months.
When we weren't engaged, I thought we should wait till we were.
When we got engaged, I thought we should wait a wee bit longer. (After the wedding, things would be less hectic, right?)
But now, with the promotions and military discount that AT&T's got going on, Michael just couldn't resist. He downright begged me!
So, this weekend, I said yes. :)
And he jumped at least a mile up.
He chose the black iPhone 4 for himself and gave me a beautiful white one!! What a birthday gift!
Thankfully, I got to keep my same cell phone number, which my parents gave to me back in 1997 with the Ericsson phone pictured below.
What a difference in technology!
If you have a moment, please leave me a comment, recommending which apps I should download!