No wonder I almost never wear it.
I have no clue how to apply it. I have no clue what products to use. Skin care regimens scare me. I feel overwhelmed when friends give me suggestions. And, when I make attempts at things, I never like the finished product.
Once, when I was in a friend's wedding, I attempted to use foundation. I chose the wrong color and forgot to blend it in along my forehead, so I had this long, crooked line across my face. I looked horrible in all the photos.
Even after buying expensive new products in preparation for the wedding day, I ended up reverting back to my old stuff from many years ago, just because I felt comfortable with it.
Do I even LOOK like I have any makeup on in this photograph? My eyes look so plain!
I might be smiling, but I sure was in a sour-puss grumble-pants sort of mood while I was doing this trial by myself. I ended up trying on so many different shades of lipstick that day (and subsequently wiping them off each time) that I aggravated my lips and watched with horror as a cold sore reared its ugly head.
I ran off to the drugstore, almost in tears, praying hard that God would heal me through the use of Abreva. All of this was a great lesson in being more humble. And for that, I thank Jesus.