Michael's wonderful mother threw a baby shower for me yesterday! What a generous blessing this was, since my mother threw a baby shower for me last month!
We had a wonderful time, but I regret not taking more pictures! There's no evidence of all the wonderful women that were present! :-( Oh well.
Little Maeve and me! |
The adorable "baby bottom" cake that Cindy made! |
Addie started scaling the steps before I stopped her! |
The right front porch was decorated with baby boy clothes on a clothesline! |
The left front porch was decorated with baby girl clothes on a clothesline! |
Babies!! And my favorite flower, the hydrangea! |
This was a group effort! I truly think that every man and woman in our family helped make this adorable baby in a bassinet possible! It was fun! |
Here's the baker with her awesome creation! Thank you, Cindy!! |
My mom was creative, too! Look at this tricycle that she made out of diapers, receiving blankets, bibs, booties, and a bottle! |
Michael's mom made a three-tier cake out of diapers! (Obviously, it was not edible!) |
Guests received as favors delicious cookies in the shape of baby bottles. Some were pink and some were blue! |
Gifts!! And check out the awesome Britax Travel System on the left, which my parents gave us! |
Mom Goddard certainly thought of every detail! She had each guest open a wrapped gift that was something fun, like a piece of jewelry, fancy stationary, or perhaps a travel makeup pouch. Then, when I opened a person's gift to me, that person had the option of swapping their gift with another guest's gift, if they liked it better! |
My Aunt Tess gave us a onesie that said, "My Daddy golfs better than your daddy." Hilarious! Michael loved it. |
Several of the wrapped gifts were from Michael! This one was to be expected!! Tee-hee! |
Remember how I said in a previous blog that I tried to knit something for our baby but had no success? Thankfully, a wonderful woman named Barbara knitted our baby this precious, button-up sweater! I simply adore it!! |
Michael's parents gave our baby Michael's old teddy bear named Teddy. So cute! He was in great condition except for his little nose which was worn away from so much lovin' over the years! |
Here I am with my wonderful nieces, Natalie and Maeve! |
It was a wonderful baby shower. I am so thankful for the outpouring of generosity from so many people! We certainly are blessed. Thank you, Jesus!