I read most of it while on the sand here at Cape May, New Jersey, and today I turned the last page. Oh, how I wish it didn't end!
I just love Kelle Hampton.
She's a blogger that I've been following for years, and recently she wrote her first book. It's called Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected.
She's a mommie of two girls and step-mom to two boys, and I love how real she is. Much of her story revolves around the birth of her youngest child, Nella, who was born with Down Syndrome.
Often, Kelle's an emotional basket case of endless tears. But never do her emotions lead her to negative conclusions. She always manages to find beauty in every situation. She always turns lemons into lemonade. And, most of all, she's taught me that mommy-hood is not about losing your identity as a person but rather adding to it. Motherhood is the best thing that's ever happened to her, and yet she's still just as funky, creative, and outrageous as ever -- and she uses this energy to bless her children.
If you have time this Summer, you should read it! It's a feel-good book that will leave you thankful for all the blessings that God has given you. :)