My wonderful parents offered to buy us one, but for the past several months (since I started looking), I just couldn't make up my mind.
Appearance was everything to me, and it probably shouldn't have been. Still, I'm driven to persuasion based entirely on looks. Ugh! That is so superficial!
Many of my friends have spent $600 - $800 on high-end strollers that they absolutely love. But I, personally, couldn't justify that.
Europeans have much nicer strollers than we do. Their designs are totally different from ours, it seems, and their colors are much more exciting.
Michael would be up for flying to Europe in a heartbeat, but it's probably inadvisable for me right now. So I decided that I'll just have to stick with what I can get here!
After many, many hours of research online, in stores, and watching BabyGizmo.com's YouTube video reviews, I finally decided on the Britax B-Agile and the matching car seat, B-Safe.
Yes, it's car seat-ready, too! The adapter is included in the stroller box, and you needn't remove it to collapse the stroller. So, with just two clicks, we can go from a regular jogging stroller to a full-on travel system!
Britax was offering a special promotion where you could buy the stroller and matching car seat in sandstone only and for much cheaper ($349.99). While you could buy a sandstone stroller on its own, buying a matching sandstone car seat was not possible. So, this promotion was one I wanted to jump on!
The only trouble was, however, that all stores seemed to be sold out. It was even impossible to buy the travel system online. And nobody seemed willing to sell us the floor model.
Two other mommies that hovered around the floor model with us lamented the impossibility we all faced. The competition out there was fierce!
Knowing that our baby could arrive almost at any time now, we were very eager to get a car seat. This minor setback didn't stop my husband. He just kicked it into high gear.
Before long, we had managers calling managers. Warehouses were checking their inventories. Finally, it was concluded that there were only THREE models left on the East Coast.
Well, maybe I exaggerate. Between the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, there was only three. One was in Bensalem, near Philly. And the other two were up in Northern New Jersey, almost in New York.
The sun was setting, but Michael could not be stopped. He was a daddy on a mission! Off we departed for Totowa, New Jersey! The ride was long and one of the two models in the store would sell while we were en-route, but we arrived shortly before the store closed and luckily had success in obtaining their last one!
We walked out with the last box, but not before graciously answering the questions of other customers who literally stopped us before the door to ask about the product. Can you believe it?!
Thank you, God, for this wonderful gift! And thank you to my parents for giving it to us!
The sun was setting, but Michael could not be stopped. He was a daddy on a mission! Off we departed for Totowa, New Jersey! The ride was long and one of the two models in the store would sell while we were en-route, but we arrived shortly before the store closed and luckily had success in obtaining their last one!
We walked out with the last box, but not before graciously answering the questions of other customers who literally stopped us before the door to ask about the product. Can you believe it?!
Thank you, God, for this wonderful gift! And thank you to my parents for giving it to us!