Here's a few photos from our amazing July 2019! So grateful for these memories! Listed in an order chosen randomly by my computer...
A perfect day at Mt. Grenta Lake & Beach! |
Quality father & son time at Dutch Wonderland for these two! |
Poor sweet Vera was sick so we stayed home and enjoyed the photos and videos the guys sent us! |
Michael's former colleague Ray helped grill the burgers and dogs on the 4th of July! |
Liam's astronaut costume for the 4th of July Baby Parade! You did a great job, Costume Designer Grandma! |
Fun at Grandma & Grandpa's house in New Jersey |
Celebrating the 4th of July a few days early with the Johnsons! |
My mother made this Annie dress and sewed this Sandy dog for me back in 1983. What a joy it is to see my daughter Vera get to dress up in the same outfit at age 4 also! |
This reminds me of me with my Dad back in 1983! But it's Vera with Grandpa in 2019! |
Decorating Grandma's birthday cake with Great Aunt Tess! |
The birthday girl at a youthful 69! |
My wonderful parents, married 43 years! |
Uncle Fred, Aunt Tess, my parents, the kids, and Michael and me! |
Party on our deck! |
So many people wanted to come to our party that the cars lined both sides of the street for as long as you could see! |
Even Annie likes a good ice cream sandwich! Time to cool off after all that parade work! |
Helping Grandma open her birthday gifts! |
Learning about cars from the guys |
Liam offered Grandma the chance to make even MORE wishes than just from her birthday candles! |
Ready for fireworks! |
This is how close I wanted to sit with my husband. :) |
Michael's Dad, grilling out in New Jersey |
Aunt Cindy, reading to the littlest girls of the family |
Celebrating 8 years of marriage with this guy very soon! |
Totally wearing yet another one of my handmade vintage dresses, kept in immaculate condition for 36 years by my dear mother! |
On our way to a day of fun at Mt. Grenta Lake & Beach! |
Loving this view :) |
All 4 Goddards made it into this photo on a log boat at Dutch Wonderland! |
I don't know why, but I'm so proud of this collection of clean-cut, upstanding gentlemen that I've found for Vera's dollhouse. Don't they all look like such good fathers? |
Ready for milkshakes at Root's Farmer's Market! |
My handsome man's new combed-to-the-side hair cut with a hard part. It's got that vintage military vibe but it also makes him look younger! |
This was the only one in our immediate family who liked the menu at Core Life! |
Vera is WAY more into desserts! |
Celebrating with the cousins! How dear that Vera and Odette are holding hands! |
Time to get wacky! |
A fearsome bunch! |
This photo made our local newspaper! The newspaper was impressed that Vera was wearing the same Annie dress and wig that I did at the same age back in 1983. Mom sewed both the dress and dog, used the same sign letters, and the exact same wagon and sign as she did when she made it for me 36 years ago! Thank you, Mom, for making this legacy! |
Mom made Liam's costume from all things she had laying around her house! My favorite detail was the telephone wire!