Friday, January 22, 2010

Blue Hand Disease

Many teachers, like yours truly, suffer from Blue Hand Disease (BHD).

While it is generally not contagious or transferable from person to person, BHD is a severe allergic reaction to presentation technology from the 1950s.

A blue-colored rash will appear on the skin almost instantaneously after contact is made with an overhead projector and transparency.

BHD is not itchy but is considered unsightly. Occasionally, however, these annoying blotches can signal more serious problems, especially when accompanied by symptoms such as difficult breathing, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Then again, if you had these last 3 symptoms, you probably wouldn't need your hand to tell you that something is wrong. In fact, you probably wouldn't be thinking about your hand at all!

BHD symptoms can last up to 3 days after the skin's initial exposure to the dated technology.

Diagnosing BHD properly should begin with the evaluation of the school nurse or guidance counselor. Then the school principal should ask about your teaching methods and practices.

While there is no cure for BHD, frequent use of warm soap and water can reduce the duration and frequency of BHD outbreaks.

If you suspect you may have BHD, talk to your partner right away. Also consider the benefits of joining a support group, either alone or with your partner.

Blue Hand Disease is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Through education, teaching tolerance, and remembering to cap that dry erase marker, you, too, can one day feel like less of a Smurf.