Friday, June 11, 2010

A New Website is Launched!

So...I tend to be forgetful.

I don't try to be...and I'm not always...I just sometimes am...and I am too frequently forgetful with regard to too important of a topic: prayers.

I've promised a lot of people that I would pray for them.

And while I've frequently jotted intentions down onto Post-It Notes and stuck them near the crucifix in my Prayer Room, they tend to un-stick eventually...and blow around my house, due to the wagging tail of my beloved dog.

And so, in an effort to not forget, I've decided to start a little blog of prayer intentions at  This should keep them all in one tidy place.  :)

Friends, family, and even those I have never met can post whatever prayer intentions they wish.  Posts can even be anonymous.

I'll look at the blog before I start my daily Rosary, and your words and pictures will help me to remember to orient my heart to that which hopefully the heart of God desires for your life, too.

So, the Rosary Prayer Wall is your space, dear friends, family, strangers, and enemies.  Tell me what to pray for!