Monday, August 16, 2010

In Happiness & Sorrow: Not My Will, But Yours

Dear reader, please know that although I am joyful to have Michael in my life, I am not confident in myself.  By no means do I feel like I have life figured out.  I also know that God can give and take away gifts whenever He so chooses.  So my life is based only on God and whatever He asks of me, no matter how crazy it is or how inopportune the timing.  It's scary to have your heart be that wide open to any possibility, but I know that's how God wants it.

So I hope I conveyed in my previous blog entry that I am rejoicing and praising God for what He did, not boasting about it.  I am sure there is a fine line between the two.  I just keep thanking God while realizing that He can do whatever He wishes with me, Michael, and this relationship.  I have zero entitlement, ownership, or direction over any of this.  My responsibility is to praise Him in all things, whether I find myself standing amid happiness or sorrow.  God help me to be a better servant.