Tomorrow is my 33rd birthday!
I've always been excited to be 33, even way back when.
I've always had this feeling that God would ask something great of me in my 33rd year -- and that, during this year, I would really grow into who I am called to be as a person.
Jesus was 33 when his public ministry REALLY began to be noticed. Jesus was 33 when He performed his greatest miracles and saved us all from sin and death. Those are huge accomplishments! I've always felt that God gives special blessings to those who are 33. This special age simply HAS to remind God of the love of His Son.
I've often wondered how God would ask me to begin MY public ministry at age 33. Something new would be expected of me, I've always felt. And I've always suspected that I would have to be more outward with the signs of my faith.
Today, as prepare for this upcoming and exciting year which begins tomorrow, I realize now at least part of what God will be calling me to in my 33rd year. He's calling me not to catechize the children in the CCD program or to bring together more young adults. Rather, He's calling me to raise my OWN CHILD in the faith.
This is new territory for me! This is revolutionary! This is a brand new calling that I am excited to embrace!
Thirty-three, I welcome you. You are here at last! And you've brought with you even more challenge and excitement than I could have ever anticipated!
Thank you, God, for the blessing of allowing me to turn 33!!