Sunday, July 29, 2012

Vintage State Charm Bracelet...and a Little Game for My Readers!

Praise God for Craiglist!  Today I sold SEVERAL bags at Starbucks and brought home exactly $100!  Cha-ching!! 

That's a total of $235 that I've earned this week.  Now I feel totally motivated to go through my entire house, take photographs, and post anything that I'm willing to part with!  Liquifying our assets might become addictive!

Most of the money I earned this week will go into our savings, but I got to treat myself to a new charm bracelet today.  It's one that I've been dreaming about for several months.  I picked up these inexpensive, vintage state charms on eBay and Etsy.

Each state has a special significance to Michael and me.  If you'd like to guess which state has the following significance to us, just post your ideas as a comment below and don't forget to mention your email address so that I can contact you.  If you get them all correct, you may choose any item from my Craigslist ads and have that item for FREE!!

In chronological order, the state significances are:

1.  I was born in ___________________.
2.  Michael was born in ___________________.
3.  I spent my early childhood in ___________________.
4.  Michael grew up in ___________________.
5.  ___________________ is home to us.
6.  We suspect that God may eventually ask us to move to ___________________.

Good luck with your responses!  Few people take the time to comment on my blog, so there's a good chance that if you play, you could win!