Monday, December 31, 2012

A Little Boy and His Dog

The bond between our son and our dog is so special!

Our Macy is so attentive toward Little Liam, always keeping a watchful eye out.

She's been like this since his birth, getting up with us during every nighttime feeding and standing close by during every diaper change.

Only recently has she trusted me to do the nighttime feedings by myself.  I guess she's confident that I'm a more experienced mama now.

In this photo, she's got one eye opened and one eye closed, unable to fully nap because she's maintaining a careful watch on our boy.

Just recently, when I walked into the living room and Macy excitedly danced around me, Liam thought it was particularly funny and began to smile and squeal.  Today his hands again went to touch her soft fur without my prodding.  And she will gently hang by and wait patiently as he figures out how to best reach and touch her.

If I need to disappear for a moment (such as to use the bathroom or to quickly transfer the laundry from the washer to the drier), Macy takes over.  Oh, these moments of Liam's childhood are so precious!  They will never be forgotten.