Friday, February 08, 2013

Nap Time

On a recent Thursday, my friend Angela came to visit.  We spent the whole day together, since she had the day off.  We scheduled a fun day of endless chatting, breakfast out, stroller walks, lunch with another girlfriend, Mass, Adoration, and running errands.

But, most importantly, I had asked her ahead of time if she'd be okay with a one- or two-hour pause within our busy day.  The pause would be for none other than Nap Time, that wonderful, blessed event of our childhood.

She was elated.  

She had been up until 5 AM the night before, chatting on the phone with Corey.  Tonight would be another late night, as together they'd be attending Theology on Tap.  She welcomed the opportunity to sleep with joy!

So, I got Liam into his jammies.  I made sure everyone, including the dog, had a clean blanket to cozy up into.  I closed the blinds and turned off the lights.  For the next two hours, we all slept.  It was fantastic!

A quiet house was the only way to stay on Liam's nap routine.  So, rather than whisper, we just decided to enjoy Nap Time ourselves!  :)

The great thing about naps is that, if you get so busy that you forget to take one, a Nap will always pin you down and insist on it.  Here's a prime example of how a Nap can overcome you when you least expect it: