Saturday, March 09, 2013

Use Your Imagination.

Maybe I ought to chill out a bit.

As you all know, I loooooove snapping pictures, and I'm obsessed with documenting the special moments of our lives.

Most days, I'm clutching my camera constantly, always prepared to capture that special moment when it happens.  And often times I do.

But today, when Michael suggested a family walk around the neighborhood because the weather was so gorgeous, I jumped with glee, glanced at my camera, and stupidly decided not to take it.

I didn't take it because I heard this little voice inside my head that said, "Come on, Lisa, just enjoy the walk.  Live in the moment.  Don't obsess over archiving everything.  After all, how could you even get a picture of you all together?  Would you balance your camera on a shrub or something?  Leave it behind."

I'm not sure I like the voice in my head that convinced me of this.

So I went without it.  And yes, I felt naked without my camera, even though I was wearing yoga pants and a lightweight athletic jacket.

We didn't even make it off the sidewalk on our property before we ran into a neighborhood friend who I'm sure would have taken our picture, if I had asked him to.   Drat.  I couldn't believe it.

I enjoyed the rest of our easy-going walk, with Michael pushing Liam in the stroller and Macy walking by my side.  "Look at how domestic we are," I teased.  "This sure is suburbia."  And, in my mind, there could be nothing better than this.  Truly.  I was in momentary Heaven.  Michael agreed, except to add that if we were doing this walk on the golf course together, that would be even better.  Haha.

But when we got home, I secretly sulked.  I wanted our family walk today to be captured forever...and I had the opportunity but missed it.  :(

So, instead, for today's blog posting, I shall highlight some other beautiful families who got outside today and WERE lucky enough to have their blissful moment captured:

The Jeffersons got out to enjoy the nice weather today.  They even brought their dog Max.

Even the Smith family hit the sidewalks!  (Well, not literally, of course.)

The Cunningham family enjoyed the fresh air, too!  The stubby legs on their dog made their walk brief, however.
Can you see my lightweight athletic jacket?  Oh, so sporty!