Friday, May 17, 2013

Look Who Just Arrived

I'm so exited.  Yesterday in the mail arrived this adorable little vintage camera from before World War II.  It's the German-bred Rolleicord, and--based on its serial number--it was made in 1938, making it the ideal tenant of our 1940s-era home.

Our coffee table was in need of something new and interesting on its surface, and I was in the mood to see something that would remind me of photography.  But no way could I justify spending $250 on one, which seems to be the going rate on eBay.

So I searched, with fingers crossed.  I browsed a few flea markets and made a few phone calls.  And finally, finally...I found someone who needed a whole lot of tender loving care for only $39.

Although his days of shooting film are long over, this little camera's spirit is alive and well.  May he enjoy his retirement in our home.  :)