Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Our New St. Philomena Icon!

This magnificent, handwritten icon of our beloved patron St. Philomena was Michael's gift to me for our 2nd wedding anniversary! 

When I opened the box, I cried so joyfully!  I was so utterly surprised!  And I have never seen an icon of her that looked so beautiful!! (I almost thought about taking a picture of the icon, surrounded by all my crumpled up tissues!)

Michael had commissioned my iconographer friend, Britta, to do the piece. 

So, as iconographers do (and as she could do particularly well for us), she prayed for our intentions as she wrote the icon.  Isn't that beautiful?  Every stroke of her paintbrush was a prayer for us.

On the back of the icon is a beautiful, personalized message, commemorating the piece. 

In fancy script lettering it says, "This icon of St. Philomena was prayerfully written for the intention of Michael and Lisa Goddard on the anniversary of their second year of marriage.  O most holy Saint Philomena, please pray unto God for the them.  Commissioned by Michael for his beloved, Lisa."

See?  No wonder I cried!!  :)  Thank you, Michael!  And thank you, Jesus, for giving Britta such talent!!