Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wedding Wreaths

My mom's creativity, coupled with her love, bears so much fruit!  Guess what she did with all the decor remnants from our wedding day?

She had them made into beautiful wreaths!  And five wreaths were produced!  Each wreath was uniquely made, for no two were alike.  She let me pick my favorite, then gave the remaining wreaths to Michael's mother, my Aunt Tess, and my grandmother, keeping the last for her and Dad to enjoy.

The florist incorporated into each wreath several silk versions of the fresh flowers we had in bouquets that day.  And while the fresh green apples that sat in vases as our centerpieces have long ago been eaten, the little plastic ones that sat on each guest's place card will now live on.

Thank you, Mom, for your ingenuity, brilliance, and love!

It's been two years since that blessed day.  What a beautiful anniversary we celebrated yesterday!