Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Fred Rogers Museum!

Who knew that, nestled in the St. Vincent Archabbey Benedictine monastery, there was a special museum dedicated to my beloved Mr. Rogers!

Yes, when we traveled West to see our dear friend Brother Lawrence take his first vows a few weeks ago, we did not expect that a special feature of the monestary would be reserved for little Liam himself.

But indeed, there it was, right outside the dining room in which we enjoyed a catered meal with all of Brother's guests. 

What a joy it was to show Liam some of the treasures of my childhood!  These were the actual props used in the show!

Yes, that is my son giving the cardigans a thumbs up!

Liam was wiggling with such joy!...hence, the fact that he's blurry.  :)

I guess my mother was wiggling with joy when she took this photo because we're all blurry!  Haha!

I wish all clocks didn't have hands.  Then no one would ever have to rush!