Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Our World

at Baby Mania class yesterday :)

 Last night was supposed to be Daddy and Son Bonding Time.

The plan was that Michael would give Liam dinner, a bath, and get him all jammied and ready for bed by the time I got back from an Adoration hour and some errand-running.

The night would be delightfully easy for Mommy, and then we'd all hop into bed.  It sounded like the perfect plan.

But Liam had other plans for his evening.  He nursed and fell asleep on my lap at 5:30, and he didn't even wake when I lowered him to the crib.

He didn't wake when Daddy walked in the door.  He didn't wake when the phone rang.  He didn't wake with the smells and sounds of dinner.  And he certainly didn't wake during Daddy's television-watching.

So when I got home at 9 PM (feeling refreshed yet humbled by what God taught me during Adoration), I went straight to bed, preparing for a rough night of little sleep, figuring our boy would wake at Midnight to catch up on all that he had missed.

But God surprised us.  We all slept soundly until the alarm went off this morning.  In fact, the night was so blissfully peaceful that when the alarm sounded, I dashed into the nursery to make sure our boy was okay.

He was, and he'd like to keep sleeping, his little, breathing body told me.  So we all snoozed in until the sunshine poured through the windows.  And when it did, our boy was full of smiles!  :)