Thursday, September 11, 2008

Praying for a Cure

This week I found out that my dear Aunt Paula was diagnosed with breast cancer. All of us felt so shocked and upset when we found out the news.

We have much to be thankful for, especially that it is considered to be at stage zero. But the months ahead will be especially difficult for her and for all of us.

I told my aunt that each of us will hopefully be a different gift to her during this time of struggle. My hope is that I can be for her the person that reminds her to look at the spiritual reality of this experience (when it is tempting to only think of the physical reality).

Suffering is a horrible thing that I wish could be completely erraticated, but we must remember that we can make our sufferings purposeful by offering them up as the most powerful form of prayer that we are capable of giving. My aunt now has the capability to pray (through her suffering) in the most powerful way she ever has in her whole life!

To suffer is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. That is the path He chose, and it is indeed a redemptive path.

My aunt is a strong woman, a woman of great courage, hope, and faith (even though she may not feel that way at times). As St. Therese of Lisieux would say, we are all called to be beautiful flowers in God's garden. Some of us are big strong roses which are majestic; others are little delicate flowers which put a smile on His face when he looks down at his feet. As evidenced by the hardships that my aunt has endured and continued to triumph through, I believe she is indeed a mighty ROSE in His garden! And I believe that one day she will be rewarded for triumphing through the mighty things that God called her to persist through.

Please keep her in your prayers.