Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wearing Pink

On Friday, I wore pink to school!

I wore my pink jeans (which I hadn't worn since that day in Paris 3 years ago), a man's pink tie as a belt, a pink sweater, a pink bandana scarf, two pink plastic necklaces, two pink plastic rings, and--to top it all off--a pink wig! On my face, I wore pink lipstick, pink blush, pink eyeshadow, and even hot pink mascara.

I certainly had my students' attention that day. :-) The whole school had been commissioned to wear pink as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we've been raising money to support the cause. I think I might have been the one with the most enthusiasm. :-)

I felt like a walking "Cotton Candy" Crayola crayon all day, but it was fun.

The only thing that didn't match my outfit was my shoes. They were the brown sneakers which I got in London, but I wore them since they had pink stripes on the side. In the hallway, one of my students said seriously, "What's with the shoes?" and I thought he was quite clever.