Monday, December 29, 2008

Keeping Warm in Impractical Attire

The Christmas season can be an orchestra of opposites.

It can bring out the best in people and the worst in people. It can cause stress but then satisfaction, giving and then receiving.

We can be frigid outside and then sweating once we're inside. Our bellies will feel starved and then uncomfortably full.

Especially at this time of year, young people find camaraderie in the old and vice versa. Our new, high-definition LCD screens suddenly want to show nothing less than those old black-and-white movies with poor audio.

To continue with opposites, has anyone noticed that the season not only brings out the warmest of clothes but can also call to action the chilliest of clothes? Our feet will be in sturdy warm boots one day and then balance in fragile high heels the next.

So why is it that, when I went to a tuxedo party this week, I wore the most impractical dress and shoes that a girl could wear on a night where freezing rain made all the roads an ice rink?

The only thing I could rationalize was that I was indeed being quite irrational, but at least I was smart enough to stay as close to the fire as possible, toasting my tush. :-)