Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dancing the Irish Jig!

This afternoon my friend Theresa and I took formal Irish jig dancing lessons!

She had invited me to join her earlier in the week, so this afternoon we enjoyed two hours of instruction from a professional!

Both Theresa and I are 50% Irish, so we figured we owed this experience to our ancestors. :-)

There were about 15 people in our class, and we really got into the experience, clapping to the music for our peers when it was our turn to hold still.

Today's lesson was specifically tailored to couples, so Theresa pretended to be a fictional "Sir Edward" (with a horribly fake Irish accent) and I was "Lady Catherine" (who was known for tripping over her own feet), and together we managed to have a little rhythm and prevent falling on the ground.

The music was lively and happy, and I couldn't stop giggling and laughing as we twirled around, counting "1-2-3, 1- 2- 3" as methodically as we could, hoping to keep some semblance of time.

Best of all, it was great exercise! Thanks, Theresa, for a neat experience!