Thursday, March 26, 2009

Break In's & Break Up's

This week I started wearing a new pair of heels.

I expected that my ankles and toes would hurt as the three of us got acquainted.

Have you ever noticed that the development of a good relationship with a pair of heels is the opposite procedure that a girl would follow when developing a relationship with a new guy?

When developing a new relationship with a man, hurts and pains are usually far off in the distance for both parties. The relationship starts out like a fuzzy pair of purple slippers that you're eager to jump into because everything feels so good! Warm fuzzies abound!

But with heels, the hurts and pains happen at the onset of the relationship and diffuse over time. The relationship begins with a painful "break in" phase, which stands opposite the painful "break up" phase that comes at the conclusion of a relationship with a man.

But, with this particular pair of new heels that enjoined my feet this week, what I thought would be true about the relationship ended up being just the opposite. They are so comfortable that I feel like I'm walking on air, which is almost like the walking on clouds that one would do with new love!

So if these shoes didn't require a break-in, does that mean my next relationship won't require a break-up? Gosh, that wouldn't that be lovely?

So with every step I take--whether in new heels or in a new relationship--I'm thankful...and now I'm learning to expect the unexpected.