Friday, March 20, 2009

Gettin' Down wit da Paperwerk ;-)

I have this horrible habit of preferring to organize paperwork ON THE FLOOR.

I will sort papers right there on the carpet, spreading them all out so that everything can be seen at once.

At times, my entire living room will be covered with paperwork, and I might leave them in neat little organized piles for the whole week.

Even my classroom will have papers on the floor, and I instruct my students to carefully step between them. Isn't that terrible?

In an effort to work cooperatively with me, my student teacher has honed his non-tripping skills, and now deftly works from the same flat workspace.

The health teacher who teaches in my classroom treads carefully when she decides to sit at my teacher desk, knowing that one swift kick of the leg might accidentally reorganize my system with randomness.

Even the custodian has finally learned not to pick up and discard any papers she finds on the floor of Room A103.

The only ones I haven't been able to train yet are my doves, who can disorganize my piles with one swift flap of the wings! Ahh!