Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Grotto in My Shower


I'm such a generic Catholic girl!

Anyone who has a strong Marian devotion and sees a little alcove will immediately think: "grotto."

Am I right?

The other day while in the shower, I glanced down at the little soap dish thingie that's cut into my shower wall.

I never use it--frankly, because I ought to clean it--and so today I figured, "Why not make a little grotto for Our Lady?"

So I found a plastic statue of the Blessed Mother that just happened to be right size, and in she went!

The grotto is a little low to the ground, so I will only get to see Mary when I'm bent over, cleaning in between my toes.

But still, it will be a nice little surprise to see instead of the usual empty soap dish ledge.

Don't you think so?
