Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lija Makes Her My Salad?!

God uses some pretty clever ways to get my attention.  Tonight He used a most unique way to have me ponder and pray for one of my dearest friends.

I was preparing for myself a nondescript salad, one that would have only two elements:  leafy greens and cherry tomatoes.  Or so I thought.

As I began to dump the remaining cherry tomatoes I had into my boring salad, something very surprising startled me!  Why, this salad was not going to be boring at all!

One of the ovular orbs was not a cherry tomato but Lija!  And she was smiling back at me! 

Her countenance was joyful, and she was securely attached to the bottom of the tomato container by way of a little piece of tape.  For a moment, I wondered if I should say hello.

And, in another moment, I started busting up laughing.  What the...?  How did she get here?  And WHY is she in my salad?!

Then it dawned on me.

Two weeks ago, I had gone searching for her old wedding shower invitations to refresh myself on how I wanted to assemble my friend Shannon's shower invitations.  The shower invitation contains a paper doll version of the bride that the guests must dress with a wedding gown, using everyday materials found around the house.  Then the bride picks her favorite gown, and the "designer" gets a prize!

Lija's little head must have fallen off the original invitation prototype I created, and I didn't notice.  Nor had I noticed that she had stuck herself to the bottom of my plastic container of tomatoes.   Only when most of the tomatoes were gone could she reveal herself.  And there she was!

I could only conclude that maybe God wanted me to say a few extra prayers for her, and so I did, right then and there, joyfully giggling at God's methods.

How cute that God chose to put her in my salad.  She's a vegetarian, after all!