Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

We got SOOOO much rain today. 

I like to say that God was just very generous with the way He watered our plants.  :)

I went into school this morning wearing my big, tall galoshes.  I looked a bit silly wearing them beneath my dress, I'm sure.

But it's good I came to school prepared because  we got so much rainfall that our principal decided to close our school early.  The roads were flooding, and it just wasn't worth the risk.

So I quickly finished up my parent meeting in the conference room, gathered up my homeroom kids from the hallway, took a quick attendance, and sent them home. 

Everyone was exceedingly joyful as we waved good-bye to each other, for we were all excited to go home and take an afternoon nap.

It was a perfect afternoon to do just that!