Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Enormously Full Plate

I haven't been in much of a writing mood lately.  I'll admit it.  I'm just being honest with myself.  :)

Most of the time,  I absolutely crave writing.  During certain moments of the week, I'll need my writer's fix so badly that everything in my life simply must go on hold until I can get some words down.

But at other times, like right now (except for this precise moment),  I don't need to.  And lately, it's been this way.  Hmm.

Perhaps this is because, as always, the months of September and October are my most intense months of the WHOLE YEAR.  My plate is enormously full, like a plate on Thanksgiving.  In fact, my plate is packed so much so that--if it were a paper plate--I simply have to put reinforcement under it somehow, lest the whole plate bend in half and deposit its contents on the floor.

And so, I have been making a lot of scheduling sacrifices lately.  I miss my friends, but you are all in my heart.