Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Prayers We Share

Even before Michael and I became a family, we started a tradition of praying together in community.  Well, it was a little community--just him and me.  :)

In the very first week that we met, we started praying Night Prayer (also known as Compline) of the Liturgy of the Hours (also known as the Divine Office).  I received my first copy of my Christian Prayer Book in the week before I met Michael, so I was eager to learn how to use it and get into practice.  So, we were both beginners on a journey together!  Joining our prayers with the rest of the Church, we found this quiet time of prayer and reflection to be the perfect way to center ourselves and unwind after a busy, stressful day of work.

That first year, we'd call each other and pray Night Prayer together on our phones, just before bed.  Today, there is even an iPhone app that can assist us with our prayers, incorporating beautiful hymns into the mix!  A website called is wonderful for reminding you of your ribbon placement in the book and giving you an audio companion as a guide through the experience.

Night Prayer changes daily (but repeats each week) and incorporates beautiful verses from Scripture.  It contains both readings and a responsory.  The hymns are optional, but my favorite moments have been when Michael will sing for me.  :)

This and praying grace before meals are the two regular prayer routines we incorporate into our lives together.  On his drive into work for the last year and half, Michael devoutly prays the Rosary, using a CD I burned for him as assistance.  On the weekends when we're in the car together, Michael usually remembers to pop the CD in so that we can pray the Rosary together.  :)

Pray for me, dear reader, that I may find the time to join him spiritually in this endeavor during the week.  I think I shall take a moment right now to write myself a note to pray it while he is on the road and I am in the shower each morning!

Over the course of our lives together, I'm sure our prayer routines will grow and change.  Because of our human weaknesses, there may even be times where we forget to pray.  Pray for us, dear reader, that we may always keep God at our center.  And, if you have a moment, please share your prayer routines with us by leaving a comment!