Monday, December 05, 2011

This Little Piggy Went to Market

My new Saturday morning routine is going to market.  :)

While Michael works out in the yard, I grab my straw baskets and zip off to this wonderful organic farmer's market to buy us food for the week.

The place I visit is our country's oldest, continually-operating farmer's market.  It's huge and filled with old fashioned stands that sell hormone-free meats and dairy products as well as pesticide-free fruits and veggies.

On my way, I pass the hippie folk who are occupying our city's park with an encampment of tents and cardboard signs to protest corrupt commercialism.  So very interesting.  Oh, how I would love to interview one of them!

This week, I made one detour.  I stopped at the place that pierced my belly button 6 or 7 years ago, and I kindly asked them to remove my jewelry.  Having it was fun, but I was ready to let it go.  They didn't charge me, and it was out in two seconds.  And so ended an era of my life. 

But back to the task at hand.  This week, I was on a specific quest for grape jelly.

Jelly in the regular grocery store is very hard to find without chemical sweeteners (especially high fructose corn syrup).  So I bought some homemade jelly (made with only grapes, water, and sugar) from a stand owned by the grandmother of a former student of mine.  Delicious!  :)

I bought lots of fruits, veggies, and meats, forgetting that the more I bought, the heavier my load to carry would be!  The worst part about lugging everything back to the car was the heavy glass milk bottles that I carried in a metal crate!  But I figured it was good exercise!

So here's to buying local, organic, and fresh!  This is really fun.  :)