Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A Baseball Game with Dan and Jenna!
The other night, we went to a local baseball game with our dear friends, Jenna and Dan. It was so much fun! Jenna and I sat together so that we could talk about our pregnancies. She and Dan are expecting their first son to be born just 4 weeks after ours! What a blessing!
Mike and Dan sat beside each other so that they could talk about...who knows what! Guy things, I guess! Haha.
It was fun to compare notes and share stories with Jenna. While we pretended to pay attention to the game, we had our hands on our bellies, feeling our babies kicking!
Then our dear friends Juliana and Greg visited us temporarily from their box seats. It was a great surprise because we had just enjoyed a baseball game with them a week prior to this game!
And then my friend Theresa surprised us, bearing the good news that SHE was pregnant now, too! Her and her husband share the same wedding date as us, this being the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. How exciting.
We praise God for the gift of friendship with these wonderful Catholic couples who inspire us by how they live their lives!