Friday, June 01, 2012

Memories of the Catholic Underground

The other night, as we were falling asleep, Michael played some music from our "birthing soundtrack," which he is currently making out of Christian songs.

A fantastic Shawn McDonald song came on, and I found myself crying joyful tears.  I don't know the name of the song and right now I can't even remember the lyrics, but it was so powerful to me.

Beautiful memories of the Philadelphia Catholic Underground came flooding into my mind, and I realized again how profound those years were.   If my memory serves me correctly, I think I started going there in 2006 and continued through 2009.

Those years were so formative in my spiritual growth.  I was surrounded by other Catholics who were alive in their faith!  It changed me for the better.

Today I was going down memory lane as I sorted through some digital files, and I loved seeing these:

Father Kevin leads us in Night Prayer.
Me and little Clare!

I loved when all of us would go out afterward!