Tuesday, June 05, 2012

This is the reason why I didn't sleep last night.

I love my Macybaby.  But last night, she was a handful!  I barely slept, and I'm exhausted today.  (This is good practice for motherhood!)

My poor girl had digestive issues again, most likely because she ate a bone...and bones and snacks haven't been sitting well with her since...well, the major recalls that have been happening in the news, beginning in late April, I think.

When she only eats her dog food, she's just fine.  But her loving Grandfather (my Dad!) loves to give her treats and snacks when he comes by to visit her during the day.  Unfortunately, they can do her in.  And last night, we suffered the consequences.

Between 10:30 PM and 4:30 AM, we must have gone outside 20 different times.  This is the third episode she's had since the beginning of May.  It just breaks my heart to see her suffer, so I kept her company by laying on the couch beside her in the living room.

Sometimes she would cry a bit, and if I gave her a hug or patted her head, that was all she needed.  Other times, going outside was an emergency -- and a single bark was all that was needed to wake me up and allow me to usher her outside.

She was soooo appreciative for my attention, and she thanked me by wagging her tail and smiling when I would get up and rush to open the door for her.  She looked happy at those times (to reinforce what I was doing) but we both knew she felt sick as a dog.  It pained me to watch her throwing up in the yard and also having diarrhea.  When it's late at night like this, I just let her run out into the yard without a leash on.  And she is so good about staying in our yard.  Praise God.

I can always tell when she's still uncomfortable because she won't lay down when she comes back in.  She'll just sit up all night until the next emergency.  And she sat up ALL last night.  Finally, at 4:30 AM, she finally laid down after coming back in from the outside.  That was a good sign because it meant that she had fully emptied out.

Please say a little prayer for my Fuzzy Brown Bunny.  I love her so much and want to see her feeling better!