Saturday, August 25, 2012

Catholic Girls with Scarves

I've noticed, for the past several years, that strong Catholic young adult women often sport scarves.

Not the thick outdoorsy kind, but rather the lightweight, wispy kind that you get to keep on while you're inside.

The scarf is typically multicolored like tapestry and has an ethereal quality to it, much like her faith.

And, if she's an intellectual, too, then the scarf will most likely be paired with long hair and dangle-y earrings.

The image is, really, a younger version of another genre of women:  the Female Professor, only the latter has long hair that is gray or white.

Has anyone else noticed this fashion phenomenon? 

It is so strange, really, that people of similar tastes end up dressing alike. 

I saw a 60-something man walking into the grocery store the other day, his thick fingers each wearing silver rings, his left wrist sporting a silver cuff with turquoise.  Of course his white hair was long and he wore denim and boots, even though it was 80 degrees outside.  I felt I could be certain that he appreciated Native American culture.

I love this stuff and probably should have majored in anthropology or sociology!