Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh, Soon to Meet You!

My child, we are going to meet you very soon!  Your father and I could not be more excited.  We have anticipated your existence our whole lives.  Nine months ago we celebrated the start of your amazing life!  And soon we get to see you, hold you, touch you, feed you, and love you!

Pray with me, dear child, and trust with me that Our Lord and Our Lady will guide us through a smooth delivery.  You and I will work together, I am sure, to bring about the most peaceful and natural transition of yourself from the safety and warmth of my belly into the delight of this beautiful world in which we live, full of joys and opportunities and ways to experience (and return) the awesome love of God.

Do not be afraid and know that I will not be.  Joy and Strength will be the virtues that will carry us through that delightful day until you are in my arms.  We can--and will--do this!

My body was designed to give you life and bring you into this world, and you were designed by God to spread your wings like a butterfly and confidentially leave the cocoon of my womb.

We are ready for you, dear child, and we welcome you at whatever moment you wish to make your entrance.  God will show you and I the way when His moment is upon us, and I do believe it will be soon.

Forever Love,
Your Mother :)