Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our Family Prayer Books

These are our family prayer books.  They are so special to my heart!

Michael and I each have a copy of the Christian Prayer book, which we use for the Liturgy of the Hours.  On a daily basis, we make sure that we at least pray Compline (or Night Prayer).  Believe it or not, this a tradition that we've had since the second week of knowing one another!   And a new tradition is emerging:  Liam and I have started praying Daytime Prayer together, each day after daily mass.

The book in the one o'clock position is Liam's prayer book.  As you can see by the tabs on the side and top of the book, his book has the prayers separated into picture categories which represent the equivalent of Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer.  There is even a tab for church prayers.  How cute!

In the four o'clock position is our Adoration Prayer Intention Book.  In this book's pages are all the prayer requests of our family and friends.  Liam and I look over them every Thursday during our holy hour, and Michael and I pick a random page of intentions to pray for, after we say our grace before the dinner meal.

The book in the five o'clock position holds our prayer intentions for Liam.  Throughout the course of our lives, Michael and I will continue to write our prayer intentions for our son in this book.  Once the book is full and when Liam is a grown man, we will give the book to him as a gift.  :)