Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Great Cloth Diaper Change 2013: We Did It!!

We did it!  But, wow, it sure was over in a heartbeat!  :-(

Can you find Liam?

In the photo below, my head is directly below the big leaf painted on the green wall, which is part of the Greenberries logo.  I'm holding up a bright green Charlie Banana cloth diaper.  :)

Liam has the highest vantage point.  Luke is a very close second!  :)

Thumbs up 'cuz we did it!!  Liam was overcome with emotion at how special this historic moment was.
Britta successfully put on her first cloth diaper!
Yes, this was Luke's FIRST CLOTH DIAPER!!  And we got to witness it!  Just think about how we're helping the environment and saving the planet!  Again, Liam was overcome by emotion with the thought of it all...and shed a few happy tears.

Luke: "Don't worry, man.  Every cloth diaper makes a difference."  Liam: "Dude, these are happy tears."
Luke: "I might as well do some pilates in this thing.  I'm working my abs now so that I can have a six pack in the future!"

Wait a minute!  Did Britta just put her son back into a DISPOSABLE diaper?!  We have an imposter in our midst!
Don't worry, Luke.  Soon I will convince your mama that colorful cloth diapering is too fun to resist!

Here's a cute little commemorative cloth diaper key chain I picked up.  How cute!