Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Great Cloth Diaper Change 2013: Moments Before the Momentous Event

At quarter to 11, Greenberries cleared the store.  Everyone had to exit.  Only registered participants were allowed to enter with tickets, and only one adult could enter with each baby.  We were gonna fill that place to its maximum occupancy!  The excitement was building!  I could hardly contain myself.  And Liam couldn't stop wiggling in anticipation!

Each woman and baby had a designated rectangular area to sit at on the floor, marked by bright green Duct tape.  :)

Britta and Luke are ready with their cloth diaper from Bum Joy!

"Come on, Mom!  Just change me!  Why do we have to wait for all the others?"

Official directions are given one minute before the stroke of 11 AM!
Diapers up in the air!

On your mark, get set...