Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Great Cloth Diaper Change

I'm so excited to share with you, dear reader, how Liam and I participated in The Great Cloth Diaper Change of 2013!  First, let's give you a little background on how this great event came to be.

This world-wide event is the brain child of Judy Aagard of Diaper Service.  She started it just in her own shop in 2011 but quickly realized that it had the potential to be a much larger event.  Soon, the Real Diaper Association (RDA) got involved to help out, and Judy's simple idea became an international event.

Last year, the event happened simeltaneously around the world at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time.  This meant that, in some countries, mamas and their babies had to get up in the middle of the night for a change!  Then again, mamas and babies are used to that sort of thing.  :)  The record was set with over 8,000 mamas changing their babies into cloth diapers.

This year, the event was conducted within a more reasonable time frame.  It happened at 11 AM local time, wherever you are.  So, the event rolled across the world, and the numbers are still being crunched.  Let's hope we broke the record again!  I think it's likely because this year it happened at 285 locations!