Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day 2013

God really blessed us when he gave us the gift of mothers.  We know that their unconditional, right-from-the-start Love will never be exhausted.  And the beautiful thing about mothers is that they come in all forms and states in life.

Birthing a child, I've come to realize, is not necessary to be a mother.  Instead, motherhood is a grace.  It is a state of being.  It is the woman who cares for you so much that she will bleed for you, die for you, and will do anything to always love and encourage you.  You are the apple of her eye, the center of her world.

There are physical mothers.  There are spiritual mothers.  There are adoptive mothers.  There are mothers whose children are in Heaven.  There are mothers whose children have left them (but the hope of their return never will).

But a mother always loves.  A mother never forgets you.  As singer-songwriter Jason Matthews says, "She will raise you, ground you, and build her whole world around you."

Jesus gave us His Mother, so all of us share the most wonderful mother of all, the Blessed Mother!  She is always watching over and guiding us to her Son.

Today we celebrated Mother's Day with my side of our extended family.  What a privilege it was to receive a bouquet of flowers from my aunt and gifts from my own mother and Godmother!  Ever since I was extremely young, I've prayed and hoped that one day I'd be a mother.  Oh, Jesus, thank you for this privilege...and thank you for giving me the very best mother for myself!!  I love you, Mom!

We all went out to brunch this morning.  :)

Mom was proudly showing off the necklace I made for her when I was in kindergarten!

Liam loved being held by his third cousin Eleyna!

And he had so much fun with his third cousin Charlie!

Charles and his Daddy, my cousin Matthew

Liam went crazy over the television in the room, squealing at the top of his lungs when this children's show came on.  Everyone quickly realized that this was a rare treat because I don't let him watch it at home!  Haha!

After brunch, we were on a mission.  We set out for the mall to buy Great Grandmom shoes!  Everyone put their serious shopping faces on.

Mission accomplished!  In fact, she got two pairs!

Liam loves his second cousin Matthew!

May all of you have a blessed Mother's Day tomorrow.  Honor that lady you love!