Saturday, July 20, 2013

Getting Our Shop On

Our husbands haven't caught on yet that it's a little dangerous when Britta and I get together.  Somehow things like Time and Money just get zapped up and disappear into thin air. 


It's important for stay-at-home mommies to get out sometimes, right?  And it's even more important for best friends to get together regularly.

And so we do it.  Often.  (But not soon enough.)

Our routine is this:  First, we load our little men into their proper travel gear, which is equipped for the terrain of the mall and contains lots of hidden compartments for things like toys, bottles, cameras, diaper bags, and recent purchases.

 Then we make sure everyone's well-hydrated with the essentials:

And then off we go, this time in search of the perfect aviators, stopping only briefly at the Nordstrom Cafe to refuel.

Michael will be glad that I didn't stomp my feet and want a pair like Britta has.  I already have my favorite pair of aviator sunglasses, and they came from a little street vendor in Rome.  Ahh...

When I get home, we each text one photo to each other.  Can you guess which one was from me?

I found two sets of silverware in my diaper bag from the Nordstrom Cafe!  Oops!  They must have fallen in; or, I gathered them up without thinking when we did the big scoop-up of toys, sippy cups, and baby spoons.  The only way that this problem can be corrected is for me to return them to their rightful owners -- which means another trip to Nordstrom's!

We couldn't have planned it better.  :)