Saturday, July 31, 2010

Who says a dog can't have an active prayer life?! :)

My dog Macy has a very active prayer life.

Whenever I go into the Prayer Room, she accompanies me.  For fun, I've even wrapped a Rosary around her paw while we're in there, and she doesn't seem to mind at all.

When friends are visiting, and we're about to do our Night Prayers in the Prayer Room, she's one of the first to enter the room, and she plants herself in the center.

When she and I resurfaced from the basement recently after a tornado, Macy ran directly to the Prayer Room, as if to give thanksgiving to God that we were OK, and then she went into each and every room of this house (including upstairs) to assess that there was no water leakage or damage.  After her check of the house, she went to the door, eager to look at the damage outside.

Macy has lead me directly to the little church across the street several times, one time taking me directly to its glass doors, wondering why we were not going through.  Several other times, she has led me across the grass in the front yard of the church, and she has laid herself down on the lawn right in front of where the Blessed Sacrament would be.

And last night, as I was brushing my teeth in preparation for bed, I saw her walk down the hallway and NOT go into my bedroom, as she usually does.  When I peeked my head into the Prayer Room, there she sat in the darkness, looking straight ahead at the crucifix on the wall.  I let her be, figuring this was a very special moment!

Within a few minutes, she started scraping her paws on the hardwood floor.  With this sound, I entered in immediately...only to find her looking down at a wooden Rosary on the floor, which--in frustration--she was trying to pick up.  She gave up the task as soon as I came over, and she sat herself down on my Christian Prayer Book, obviously unable to open its cover or read its pages but perhaps trying to associate herself with prayer as much as possible.

I love my Macy!  I have the best and most unique dog EVER!