Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Bradley Method of Natural, Husband-Coached Childbirth

I've been forgetting to tell you, dear reader, that for the last several weeks, Michael and I have been enrolled in a natural childbirth class! 

We attend class once a week for 2 hours at a time, and the course will run for a total of 12 weeks.  There's a textbook, a workbook, weekly homework, and daily exercises to do.  Nutrition is also supposed to be strictly calculated, monitored, and reported.  Relaxation techniques are part of our practice, too.  In the end, Michael will be a card-carrying, certified Bradley Method coach.  And I'm supposed to be fully confident in my body's ability to birth our child naturally, without the use of medication.  :)

We love the class, we love the teacher, and we love the couples that attend it with us!  And God had a little surprise in store for me!  He allowed me to reconnect with my best friend from 7th grade (Sarah) who is also pregnant for the first time, although she currently has five adopted children.

It was amazing to look across the room and suddenly recognize her.  She's a girl I've been looking to reconnect with ever since she fell off the face of the earth after 8th grade.  Try as I did, I could never find her on Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, or any of the other sites.  I learned that she had been searching for me, too, over the years, and we were just thrilled to have finally found one another again -- and in this delightful context!

Although I'm certainly a novice that's still learning, if you'd like for me to share with you anything that we've learned in our class, please just email me!