Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to School...Sort Of!

Well, it's back to school for me this week!

But, of course, not for long.  :)

I'll be in just enough to train my long-term substitute, attend three days of meetings, and do a little socializing.

Never before in my life have I felt so calm at this time of year.  Normally, I'm wrestling back and forth between twinges of sadness (that the Summertime is over) and nervous excitement (in anticipation of a new school year).

Typically, my to-do list would be HUGE at this time of year, and I'd be freaking out about the 27 hours I need to set up my classroom.  (Yes, after teaching for 11 years, you begin to know these things.)

But this year is different.  The pressure isn't on me.  It feels rather surreal.

This season, I get to enjoy the color-changing leaves without the pressure of anticipating open-house night with parents.  This year, I get to hear those loud chirping locusts in the evening and NOT think that they are little alarm clocks, reminding me that I'll need to get up early in the morning.  This year, I won't have to get home each night at 7 PM, feeling bad that I haven't made dinner and have no energy left to do so.  This year, I won't lose my voice, my legs won't hurt, and I might actually have time to exercise.

I praise God for this new era, and I promise Him that I'm still willing to work hard for my family in whatever capacity is needed, first and foremost as I raise our precious child!