Friday, August 03, 2012

Our Little Bun in the Oven

I have exciting news to share with you, dear reader!

I am happy to report that the little bun that's been baking in my oven is OK to come out!

Indeed, the timer bell has rung on this little recipe of love, so now it's just a matter of time of when the door to the oven shall open.

Yesterday, at my 35-week appointment with my new doctor, I learned that--if I should go into labor this instant--they would let me deliver naturally since the pregnancy is now considered "full term."  Praise God!  Our baby is still upside down and in position for delivery.  God be praised!

So, if our little bun wants to come out moist and light-colored, now would be a great time for the oven door to open.  Or, if our little bun wants to be baked a bit more, we could wait a few more weeks, and he'd still be soft and delicious.  If our little bun wants a golden brown glow with a crispy crust but soft interior, then we can wait several weeks longer.

How exciting!!  The door to the oven will open at just the right time, when God determines that our little bun is ready to be savored!!

And while our little bun might come out crying like a sourdough, we feel confident that he or she will be be nothing but sweet honey bread to us!